If you currently have an outstanding balance on your account you may have received a notification letter from us to remind you about your balance and to request that you contact us if you are in financial difficulty or if you have a query with your account. Please ensure you read more to avoid any issues with your account.
If you are struggling to login or make a payment, please take a moment to view these videos. Should you still experience difficulties, please ensure you let us know the details of your account, of the browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari) and your operating system (Windows 10, macOS 10.15 (Catalina), Andriod 10, IOS 13.1). This will help speed up our assistance to you.
We are delighted to announce that HomeGround now has a dedicated telephone line so that our customers can call us if they need to. Many customers have requested the option to contact us by phone, and our decision to introduce this service involved careful consideration of customer feedback alongside the need go on delivering service improvements across all our communication routes.
On 26th March 2019, HomeGround signed its name to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government’s Pledge to address a number of issues in the residential leasehold sector.
Earlier this year, The Ombudsman Service Limited, one of the three Government approved independent Redress Scheme providers, announced that it would be withdrawing from the property sector, and ceasing to offer consumer redress services for its property company members’ customers.