Our online request for alterations form is easy and convenient to use. You can upload supporting documents, provide details about the proposed alterations and even pay the alterations fee. To access the online form you need to have a personal account on the HomeGround Portal.
We charge a non-refundable, initial assessment fee of £120 for flats or £60 for houses to review your request for alterations form. This fee must be paid in full during the application process.
We charge a non-refundable, initial assessment fee of £250 to review your commercial alterations request form and supporting documents. As part of the review process, we send the application and all supporting documents to our client’s surveyors for evaluation and they charge £875+VAT to produce the required Due Diligence Report.
Both fees must be paid in full at the time of application. If it becomes apparent that a letter licence is appropriate, we will refund you the Due Diligence Report fee.
This initial assessment is vital to determine: whether the landlord can grant consent; what conditions need to be attached; and whether a letter licence or a licence deed is needed.
As part of the review, we look at the details of the proposed works (including any plans and drawings), the terms of your lease, the title to your property and the title to the landlord’s property (including any alterations terms in a headlease, if one exists).
To register for a personal account you need your alphanumeric security key and your 12-digit customer reference number. You can find these on your HomeGround invoice or your welcome letter and you can register here.
If you have already registered on our portal and need help with your password, please click here.